Twitter User Shares A Unique Way Of Eating Pineapples & Surprises Netizens

Pineapple has always been one of my favourite fruits. If it wasn’t for pineapples, I would’ve not made it through many summers. And I think fruit lovers will agree with that notion. Now, let me ask you this: how do you eat pineapples? Do you cut off the exterior and then dice it up? Or turn it into juice?

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Well, turns out that we’ve all been doing it wrong, while a community of hardcore fruit fanatics have been eating pineapples way more easily. But don’t worry folks! The secret is finally out.

Twitter user @lewismccluskey posted a video that showed someone having pineapple. The person was pulling out the pyramid-shaped scales individually and eating it.

According to the Daily Mail, the video was originally posted by Tik Tok user Dillon Roberts. Well, thank you, Dillon, for enlightening us.

One netizen chimed in saying that this is actually a common way of eating pineapple.

Abb toh bologe hi.

Netizens who were witnessing this phenomenon for the first time were really surprised and promised to follow this method of eating pineapples from now on.

However, others were a bit disturbed by the chewing noises the eater was making and told the person to close their mouth.

When it comes to eating anything (and I mean anything) we always say that there’s no correct way to eat. But this does seem like the most hassle-free method of eating pineapples. I’m definitely going to try it this summer. What about you?

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