This City Branded Itself As The G-Spot Of Europe, And People Are Lusting The Cheeky Ad!

There’s no dearth of genius marketing campaigns for brands these days. I mean, if you want your brand to stand out, then your advertising has to grab eyeballs. More so, if you’re an inconspicuous European city not many people are aware of, and trying to make a mark with your tourism promotion. People, I’d like you to meet Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. Population: 600k, give or take.

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If you don’t know where Vilnius is, don’t worry. Because that’s exactly the problem that the marketing team working on its tourism campaign was trying to address. I mean, Europe Is HUGE. No wonder you cannot find Vilnius. Unless of course, you know where it is and make the effort to get there.

And so, some brilliant heads collaborated and came up with the most genius new branding for Vilnius, Lithuania. You know, so you could finally find it!

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Whoaaaaa! Give it a minute to sink in.

Yes, Vilnius is now calling itself the elusive G-Spot of Europe. Assuming that a lot of men who’re reading this don’t know what or where a G-Spot is, let me enlighten you.

According to Wikipedia,

“The G-spot, also called the Gräfenberg spot (for German gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg), is characterized as an erogenous area of the vagina that, when stimulated, may lead to strong sexual arousal, powerful orgasms and potential female ejaculation.”

Right, so moving onward from the biology lesson, and the jokes about men being unable to find a woman’s g-spot….

That controversial poster is only the foreplay. There’s more….

Conceived by the genius brains of some advertising students, this ballsy ad has two more parts to it.

There are video ads….

And there is even a website,, with a very…umm… raunchy quiz you can take.

Based on the results of the NSFW quiz, the website will suggest potential ‘matches’ of places to visit in the city of Vilnius!

There’s even a customised pleasure map, you know, to guide you to the erogenous zones that the traveller in you might derive pleasure from!

Wow, did someone turn on the heat here or what!

Needless to say, the ad is already giving advertising minds everywhere a real orgasm. As for the common folk, they’re totally lovinglusting this!

Controversial yet effective! Or should I say, controversial, therefore effective?

Yes OMG! Can you imagine the palpable tension in the room where this idea was proposed and finally okayed?

Absolutely hats off to the advertising students for putting forth such a genius campaign! It takes balls to do something like this so early in your career!

Applause deserved!

Duh. Did you think there wouldn’t be any innuendos and puns?

Brace yourselves, some very raunchy puns are cumming!

Yes, yes well done, Vilnius!

And now to pop the cherry on this controversial Vilnius pudding! Guess who’s going to be one of the first visitors to Vilnius ,a mere days after this ad launched?

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Hey there, Pope Francis!

According to media reports, the leader of the Catholic Church is all set to begin his tour of the Balkan states from Lithuania in late September. And some priests are not happy with how the g-spot ad is so loaded on objectifying female sexuality.

Oh well, what’s done is done. And can I just say once again, such genius!

At least, Vilnius—the G-spot of Europe now has a chance at being found by seeking tourists. As for women and their g-spots….

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