15 Truths Of Being A Vegetarian In India

This ridiculous fight over vegetarianism and non-vegetarianism is never going to end. While some of us are trying to make it a ‘live and let live’ world, there are others who continue mocking vegetarians for their choice of living.

Here are some of the things pure vegetarians face almost every day.

1. Your omnivorous friends always make fun of you for not being one of them

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The idiots.


2. You always have to ask if there is a vegetarian option available for a dish

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“Bhaiya, paneer tikka wrap milega?”


3. People often ask you if you’re on a diet

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Yeah. Because that’s the only possible reason for being a vegetarian.


4. You are probably the only vegetarian among your friends

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Such loneliness. Sigh.


5. “You can eat the chicken gravy at least” is a common dialogue when your friends pass you a non-vegetarian dish

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Uh, no thanks.


6. Your friends often try to convince you to eat a non-vegetarian dish

And they fail every single time.


7. You get asked annoying questions all the time

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“Are you involved in a dare?” “What do you eat then?” Ugh.


8. And face ridiculous arguments

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“Technically, plants are also living. So you killed a plant.”


9. You seem like a picky person while eating, but you don’t have a choice

Especially when there are vegetables you don’t like.


10. Your friends play pranks on you all the time, “Eh, that cake you just ate had eggs”

Just Kidding…. !!


11. The upside is that being a minority in your friend group, you have the whole dish to yourself

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Unlike your friends, who normally have to share their dishes.


12. And vegetarian food costs less

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13. You can try all sorts of new recipes

Like a tofu burger instead of chicken, which can taste yum when cooked right.


14. And in India, vegetarian stuff is everywhere

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So you’ll never really run out of options.


15. Finally, you don’t really care because you know you’re in good company

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