People Are Loving This Journo’s Attempts To Write Hilarious News Headlines About… Uranus!

People, as a writer and pseudo journalist, I have many role models to seek inspiration from. Today, I’ve found one journo who is going to make a very worthy addition to my list, right up there on the top. And it’s solely because of the sheer talent with which he has managed to pull off such a stunt about Uranus….

I meant the planet, okay? Don’t laugh. At least, not yet!

Tumblr user @neopetcemetery came across a six-month old news article about the planet Uranus. Nothing interesting about the news, folks, but when they read the headline….

Mind = Blown right outta Ur-anus!

Their reaction:

Right? Right? This journalist got away with writing such a pun-ny headline about, well, Uranus, and you can imagine what that triumphant moment of swag must’ve felt like!

But! But! Butt! (Hahaha, see what I did there?) Upon searching a little deeper, it was discovered that this wasn’t a one-off dig at Uranus! There were more of these dating back from 2016 to the present!


And they were all outrageously hilarious and punny!

Like this one here that is announcing exposure of Uranus!

This one that talks about solving a mystery around Uranus….oooh!

Like I don’t know what? Constipation?

And this one which—OUCH! Must’ve hurt pretty badly!

This one straight up put anything or anyone in the vicinity of Uranus on fart alert!

This one I am sure clearly alludes to a very NSFW act!

You’d have totally offended some fringe group had this been published in India!

Okay this one just has to be the shittiest of them all! And I don’t mean quality wise!

Oh well, Hallelujah!

If Uranus just let out a fart because you couldn’t control your laughter upon reading these, then SAME!

But here’s where things get even more awesome!

So, someone very justifiably declared that this person who was writing these kickass headlines deserved a raise!

And then it was discovered that it was in fact ONE journalist who was coming up with these insane headlines!

Ron Waugh, you’re my hero, man! What a masterful pun game you’ve been playing!

And Tumblr peeps seemed to totally agree with praising this man’s genius!

Yeah, I have a feeling that’s not going to happen! Because not laughing at these headlines is impossible! Because Uranus is always going to be the BUTT of jokes!

H/T: Bored Panda

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