A Businessman’s Entire Family Was Shot Down In UP, Murder Caught On CCTV. Spine Chilling!

Viewer’s discretion advised. Video contains graphic imagery. 

Lets face it, we live in a world where life is deemed as worthless. We loose so many people to such inhuman acts, every day that now it has stopped bothering us, isn’t it?

If that is how we go about life, there is something terribly wrong with the whole world.

In Uttar Pradesh’s Sitapur, situated only 90 kms from Lucknow, a 60-year-old business man, his wife and 25-year-old son were SHOT dead by four few men and the horror was captured on a CCTV camera.

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Sunil Jaiswal had just reached his home at around 9:30 PM with a bag and was parking his two-wheeler. That is when 4 men attacked him and were trying to snatch the bag while Sunil was putting up a fight.


Sunil’s wife and son rushed to help him. And moments later, the 4 men shot all three of them. The neighbour, who also tried to come to the rescue was shot too, but he survived. You can watch the horrifying video here –

Without batting an eyelid, four heartless, coward and impotent men shot down an entire innocent family. Seriously, what have we come to?

Some days like these, I wake up to realise that our world is far from being saved. Maybe, we have lost all hope.

News Source: NDTV

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