Twitter Introduces ‘Voice Notes’ For Human Touch, People Respond With Memes

Days after introducing a feature called ‘Fleets’, Twitter is back with yet another update that allows users to speak their minds out. Quite literally! The microblogging site has added a “human touch” to Twitter conversations by allowing users to upload voice notes, reports News18.

People will be able to record 140 seconds of audio for their voice tweets. And, in case they wish to speak more, they can keep recording and the new voice note will automatically turn into a tweet thread. However, the feature is currently available for iOS users only.

The new feature aims to help users to share their perspectives quickly and easily. It will help create a more human experience for listeners and storytellers alike.

Several people joked about the new feature and asked why the discrimination with Andriod users:

Others were left unimpressed as all they wanted was an edit button to rectify their tweets:

Well, at least now we will know how to pronounce the words Mr.Tharoor tweets about! Jokes aside, what do you think about this new feature? Tell us!

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