Never Say These Things To A Mental Health Patient; People Share Their Worst Experiences

Mental illness can be a topic many people don’t understand. In a world where we look at symptoms to determine if someone is well or not, it’s difficult to categorise mental disorders. For people who don’t get the complexities and nuances of the brain, mental illness can be something made up or exaggerated. And sometimes people go as far as to typecast the patient as- mad.

People on twitter who have been going through a similar issues shared their grievances on social media. In a thread with the hashtag ‘Things people have said about my mental illness’ they shared the worst things that have been said to them about their mental health.

Image Courtesy- Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment

Because you know anxiety, depression, bipolar disorders are nothing. Patients are just trying to seek attention and if they got out, get a little fresh air all their problems would be solved.

It all started with Twitter user Hattie Gladwell sharing her own story and urging her followers to do the same.

Soon, the thread became viral and people started opening up about their own experiences.

1. This was a trained professional.

2. Oh my god. I just can’t.

3. A doctor said this. Wow.

4. A close call.

5. Yes, having kids is the solution. Great.

6. “I pity his wife”. How insensitive can you get?

7. Everyone is different.

8. Thanks Sherlock. That thought never came to me.

9. Some people just aren’t willing to understand.

10. This is so sad.

11. People just don’t get it.

12. This was said to her at the age of 12. Shocking.

13. Heartbreaking.

14. There’s a stark difference.

15. OCD isn’t something to be used lightly.

16. “It’s all in your head”, slow clap.

17. Can’t even with these people.

18. It’s an illness, not a choice.

19. Oh God.

20. This is so saddening.

21. Yes, a bath can fix everything, totally.

22. How does one “snap” out of it?

It’s heartbreaking how insensitive people can be and this thread just brought tears to my eyes.

Let’s try to be more understanding and accepting so that we can make the world a happier and healthier place. And I think more people need to open up about their mental illness so that we can spread awareness about the issue. Till then, let’s be nicer humans, shall we?

Cover Image Courtesy- Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment

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