Twitter Has A Hilarious Take On How The Desis Do Halloween And It’s More Funny Than Scary!

“OMG! You guys! It’s Halloween!”

Now that’s the level of enthusiasm you’d expect from other parts of the world, like American or Britain, for instance. But surprise surprise! The spooky Halloween spider has gone and bitten us Indians too. And our condition’s critical.

Since a few years now, we desis have been slowly yet spectacularly catching up with the vi-desis when it comes to dressing up and celebrating All Hallows Eve (yeah, ICYMI, it’s another name for Halloween).

We may not know why the festival is celebrated as such, but give us a reason to slap on some makeup and down free drinks and we’re on board!

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As Indians, we have our own set of fears and list of things that we find scary. And Twitter left no cobweb untouched when it shared some hilarious ideas on how Indians ought to be celebrating this firangi festival!

TBH, The Twitterati’s ability to find humour in every situation ‘scares’ me!

1. And the same guys who buy the large popcorn tub + nachos combo too!

2. Scarier than IT!

3. Basically, yourself circa 2005?

4. Bipasha’s Halloween costume isn’t a Raaz either!

5. Arre pehchana hi nahi!

6. Spider se darr nahi lagta sahab. Neta se lagta hai!

7. Phoren-return, perhaps?

8. And instead of “Boo!”, scream “Demonetisation!” at people!

9. Of course, there were jokes about the national scare.

*runs away screaming*

10. Our Halloween Candy: Dhaniya daal, saunf, Hajmola!

When was the last time something was scary AND hilarious at the same time? Oh wait, that could be any RGV movie.

But still, aren’t these notions about Indian Halloween celebrations 100% relatable? Besides, one could take some serious costume inspo from these tweets, considering our idea of Halloween costumes are basically just devil horns!

As for me, I already have my costume decided. I will be going as PM Modi’s national address on November 8th, who only accepts new 2000, 500, 200 and 50 notes for Trick or Treat!

Cover Image Courtesy: Eros International

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