Woman Gets Asked Out For A Date With The Perfect Random DM. Men, Please Take Note.


Now, ladies you are going to agree with me on this one for sure. When men slide into your DM or ‘Others’ folders or send ‘Message Requests’, 99 percent of the time it makes you cringe. The exact nature of the message shared is creepy and puts one off.

Like, the classic, ‘Do you wanna fraandship?’, ‘Hey! hottie’, ‘Send nudes’ and other sexual and very creepy innuendos. And, then, men wonder why din’t she reply! ?

But, I know there are men who are charming and play their cards rights too. They use the right words that drip of genuineness and successfully leave an impression.

Like, this sweet guy, right here, who sent Holly Brockwell a coffee-sometime request.


Holly was so impressed that she shared it with the Tweeple. Guess what? She’s trying to set him up with a friend.


Oh, and she clarified that it was a random DM.


She then interacted with people who were impressed by the fellow and had queries.


And, people had a lot of reactions.

1. And, the truth my friend.

2. This guy shared his nervousness.


3. Ladies, don’t you agree?

4. A success story, right here.

5. Truer words have not been spoken, my friend.


Ain’t it some food for thought, guys? Go hit up a gal you like with some niceties and see that magic work. Dear men, genuine approach only, though. Because, we girls have the a pretty strong intuition about the ones who play-pretend.

*waiting for a DM like this*

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