Trans Man Who Has Adopted 2 Kids With Gay Husband Is Now Pregnant After A Miscarriage!


Life can be cruel, yes! But if you can actually dare to do and think otherwise, it can be a rewarding experience, one you’d want to share with others. A life full of stories, that re-instils our faith in goodness and makes us believe in a world that is completely different than what we read in the day’s paper.

Papers that screech headlines of hate, bigotry and discrimination. News that speak volumes about how we, as a society, have failed the LGBTQ community. But today is a different and the tale I’m going to tell is unlike anything you’ve heard before.

Meet Oregon-based Trystan Reese, a transgender who is pregnant with gay husband Biff Chaplow after a tragic miscarriage last year. The couple who have already adopted two kids are going to have a baby boy very soon.  

That’s not it.


The couple adopted Biff’s niece and nephew, Hailey and Riley, after his sister and her boyfriend were found to be neglectful because of their substance abuse problems.

Adorable aren’t they!?


Divulging further, Trystan however, has confessed that it wasn’t all easy, that people weren’t always very accepting. He also admitted that he often hides his bump in public.

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According to reports, it took them longer to conceive the second time, making them worry about missing their ‘only chance.’ But then, fate had something else planned.


They even called the doctor’s office to let them know in advance, about how they’d be treating a trans-dad. 

“I can feel someone looking at my face and searching for the remnants of womanhood.

They kind of squint their eyes a little bit and I can tell they’re trying to take away my beard, they’re trying to de-transition me in their heads.”

But when they have each other, I doubt if any of it matters! Clearly, this is how unconditional love looks like. Our wishes to the happy couple!

News Source: Daily Mail

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