American Rapper T-Pain Accused of Copying Arijit Singh’s “Tum Hi Ho”, YouTube Deletes Video

As convention goes, we are often chided for aping Western culture and swearing by their music. However, you can now consider the tables officially turned. Popular American rapper T-pain just lifted the ‘Tum Hi Ho’ melody from Aashiqui 2 in his newest single! The tune in question has been quite the rage in Bollywood for years. So it came as no surprise that music lovers immediately recognized the tune of the song sung by Arijit Singh as well as the transgression!

T-Pain’s latest song, ‘That’s Yo Money,’ included the soothing flute melody that is hauntingly similar to the one in Arijit’s Hindi song released in 2013. Here’s the melody in question from T-Pain’s Tweet so you can judge for yourself!

A plagiarism claim was quickly registered by T-Series who own the copyrights to ‘Tum Hi Ho’. This resulted in the rap song being taken down from YouTube. Nevertheless, the single remains on other channels as well as in T-Pain’s tweet.

Composer of the song in question Mithoon took the chance to respectfully inform the American rapper of his error and music rights violation.

He was instantly backed by music lovers who affirmed that the tune indeed mimicked Tum Hi Ho-

As did Mohit Suri’s funny revelatory tweet complete with the rapper’s new video!

Gone are the days when we aped the West, said this music lover in a tweet!

This fan even attempted to troll Pritam Chakraborty calling T-pain the Pritam of Hollywood!

Loyal followers of the composer ardently voiced their protests.

Yet things took a turn for the worse when T-Pain’s first official response to the music controversy was a single tweet. Here’s what T-pain had to say when he was denying accountability.

Much loved director Mohit Suri was the first to stand against the remark.

Even so, T-pain fans swiftly took to social media and asked Suri to calm down!

Some did stand up for the rapper tweeting a cross-over single he shot.

T-pain promptly acknowledged their efforts!

Wondering what this hullabaloo means for the record labels and T-series, though?

Well, that remains to be seen pending a verdict from the respective record labels that are currently taking up the much-discussed matter.

Also, what do you think will be next on the plagiarism front? Perhaps a soul-jarring rap on Channa Mereya!

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