Topless Women Protest On Stage In A Conference Held To Discuss If Wives Should Be Beaten

When radical groups make decisions about your life, you are required to make a radical move.

Two women protestors stormed on a Muslim conference in the suburbs of Paris and tore their robes apart. The slogans on their bare chest read, ‘No one makes me submit’ and ‘No one subjugates me.’

According to The Speaking Tree, the protestors belonged to the hardcore feminist group Femen and were protesting against the conference which was organized to ‘discuss’ whether ‘whether wives should be beaten or not’.

The protestors aged 25 and 31 were violently thrown off the stage. They were kicked by the people who were provoking the crowd to kill them. They were later saved by the police as reported by Telegraph.

Another news report by France24 had brought to light that the conference was opposed by many people because of its agenda. Around 6000 people had signed the petition launched in to cancel the conference. The speaker of the conference Nader Abou Anas has been previously accused to trying to legitimise rape within marriage.

Maybe their way protest wasn’t legitimate, but was the topic of conference legitimate?

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