The World’s First Digital Artwork Museum Opens In Tokyo And It’s A Sight To Behold!

The world of Blade Runner has always imagined Earth as a neon-draped landscape where holographic artwork lit up the streets and skies. But given our affinity towards paper, that future seemed almost impossible to achieve.

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However, as we near the end of 2018, Tokyo has made the impossible, possible by erecting an entire museum full of digital art that mirrors the cyberpunk aesthetic of the movie.

According to the BBC, the Mori Building Digital Art Museum: teamLab Borderless is a 10,000 sq. metre digital art space in Tokyo, Japan. Everything in it is controlled via computers, even the electronic tickets. Takashi Kudo of teamLab says,

“The museum itself is one artwork.”

The museum is made of 60 individual artworks. However, in order to stay true to its namesake, Borderless, the team suggests that the place is meant to be experienced as a whole.

One of the main motives behind creating this museum is to blur the line between the art and the viewer. So, instead of looking at an artwork from a distance, the subject will be able to step into it and appreciate it in a completely different way.

The museum consists of 520 computers and 470 projects that tracks everyone’s movement as they walk through the space. Why? So that the art can change accordingly. So, if there are more than one person in a certain part of the building, the lighting will be different every time.

While the artwork in the museum flows as smooth as butter, the effort that goes into it is immense. As of now, teamLab has over 500 members, including animators, architects, designers, mathematicians and programmers.

The space that’s now a hotspot for art lovers was an amusement arcade once. And it took the creators eight months to convert it into what it’s now.

The process of creating the designs and patterns isn’t easy. It’s mostly trial and error, as a group brainstorms ideas and tries them out. Once it’s okayed by the specialists, teamLabs tries to turn that concept into a reality.

People who’ve visited the museum were awestruck and they shared their experience online:

1. It’s truly mesmerising.

2. That’s just fantastic.

3. People must visit this at least once.

4. It doesn’t bite.

5. It’s like Wonderland.

Kudo of teamLab has said that Borderless is just the first step. He aspires to create an entire city made of digital art. And the reason behind that is because he thinks if people could live inside digital art, they would live with a more positive mindset. Do you concur?

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