This Man’s Date Didn’t Resemble Her Photos And The Deception Had A Very Filmy Twist

Online dating might as well be a series of dilemmas we have to wade through before we find ‘the one’. It starts with swiping – left or right? Then there’s – initiate conversation or wait? Ghost or politely decline a second date? Call or text? I could go on but you get the drift, right? Recently though, a man was faced with the most unusual dilemma regarding his date which he shared on a Reddit thread.

Reddit user KilljoyKillsjoy was surprised to find that his date didn’t look like her pictures IRL. But when he dug deeper, he found that there was more to the story than it appeared.

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He swiped right on a woman he liked and after a bit of talking, they decided to go on a date. In her profile pictures, he’d noticed that she had a twin sister (not identical) but he didn’t think much of it. When she arrived for the date, she was visibly larger than what she seemed in the photos. He figured that maybe they were old photos and went ahead with the date. He says,

“The date was actually awesome. The crush is still strong even as I’m typing it but… fuck I was suspicious, alright? That whole twin thing was a weird red? yellow? flag. Anyways, so I check Facebook and the pictures she had used were from her sister’s profile. And I’m not sure how to feel now. On one hand, I like her. On the other, she’s using her sister’s pics to get dates and that’s… weird?? But they’re twins so she legit would look just like her sis if she lost a bit of weight so it’s not really lying??? And I get why she did it, we all got flaws we wanna pretend aren’t there, but????”


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So, he asked other Redditors to help with his dilemma. “Would I be the A-hole if I don’t go on a second date?” and the verdict was ‘Not the A-hole’. Here are some of the responses he received.

A couple of days later, two major updates took place with regard to this situation. In the first, he confronted the woman with a screenshot of her sister’s Facebook profile. And promptly got blocked by her. But the story didn’t end there. The sister contacted him later and asked if they could all meet. The woman came clean about her weight issues and why she did what she did.

Now, they’re going on another date! Maybe it’s true when they say all’s well that ends well.

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