People Believed A Joke About Sticking Tin Foil In Microwave Because Stupidity Is Contagious

Here’s a disclaimer, folks, for future reference: Do not, I repeat, do not believe everything you read/see on the Internet. Except for what I am about to tell you now, because it might just save you from making a huge-ass boo-boo! Yet another crazy challenge/trend has gone viral, and this time, it involves tin foil. And sheer stupidity. Also, people who couldn’t get a joke.

Since a few days now, the peeps over in Japan have been experimenting with tin foil, hammering and polishing it to perfection so it looks like this:

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Just like magpies, we hoomans alson love bright shiny objects, and this gorgeously smooth tin foil ball has become THE obsession of many!

While we do love shortcuts, the procedure to obtain THAT level of perfection is a rather tedious one, as detailed in a YouTube video by a channel called SKYtomo.

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Lots and lots of hammering, then polishing with sandpaper and another string of things that will give you that shiny silver globe.

However, one prankster had the genius idea of tweaking this procedure a bit for what seems like an April Fool’s joke. @Badoodled claimed that putting a ball of tin foil in the microwave for a few minutes would do the trick!

Now for those who’ve never stepped foot into the kitchen or operated a microwave ever, using anything metallic, SUCH AS TIN FOIL, inside a microwave will make sparks fly. Not the good ones, mind you. Your microwave could erupt in flames or even explode. And give you a mini heart-attack.

So OBVIOUSLY, the tweet was meant as an ‘I see what you did there’ kinda joke!

But Twitter, being ever the mischief maker, decided to play along with the charade and began adding more tin foil to the microwave fire!

Users chimed in with sarcastic suggestions, fake evidence that the trick actually works, and even mock queries about their microwave exploding!

1. 10/10 for this ‘helpful’ suggestion!

2. Genius!

3. Do ya feel the spark? Do ya?

4. Oh so explosion is the indication? RIGHT.

As you can clearly see, sarcasm is dripping by tons from these tweets. However, there were apparently several dimwits who forget their science lessons and tried it.

Now, of course, we have no way of knowing whether these tweets are sarcastic too or legit. Either way….

1. Yeah, not the customer service help you should be seeking, pal!

2. You don’t say!

3. Someone’s getting a new microwave!

4. Sabr ka phal….

Of course, there were those who saw through this joke and found some savage ways to mock the gullible who fell for it!

ATTN: Please do not try this at home! LOL!

1. Don’t! Just don’t, okay?

2. That was one LIT idea!

3. Ouch! Nice one!

4. Them backbenchers!

5. Yeah, at least, I have a smooth ball of aluminium. What if my house burned down in the process? NBD!

To the guy and his accomplices who pulled off such a dangerous prank, good for you. To those who decided to blindly follow a viral trend without using their heads, I’m so sorry for loss. And to those who tried to help by explaining the joke, you’re good peeps! You may have saved many human and microwave lives!

Alas folks! You’re gonna have to put it a little (a lot) more hard work to get your desired smooth balls. As for those who did try this, you got played!

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