10 Feelings You’ve Had When A Friend Wanted More Than Friendship But You Didn’t

Friends are our north star, our oxygen, our glass full of cold water on a summer day, and so much more. Without friends, you will still survive, but the ‘living’ part will become extremely dull.

But what if one of your friends professes his more-than-just-friendly feelings for you? And you just can’t be thrilled, because you don’t have the same feelings. The friendship becomes a hot mess of misunderstandings!

You’ll probably relate to these feelings if you have ever been in such a situation.

1. You are utterly confused as to what just happened

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He said what??


2. How could he not tell you before?

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What was he thinking, keeping it a secret from you all this while?


3.  You feel immensely angry towards your other friends for knowing and not telling you

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How could they!


4. How could you let this happen?

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You just can’t help but blame yourself, thinking you have led him on. You analyse everything that you’ve ever said or done and look for what might possibly be called as a positive signal!


5. You hate yourself for not returning the same feelings…

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…and you ask yourself, “What is wrong with you?”, but even you can’t force this on yourself!


6. And then you realise that the friendship is probably in ruins now

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Now that you know the other person sees you in a different way, it can never be the same again.


7. As a result, you feel like hating the friend for ruining the friendship

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It was all going so good and now…


8. You fervently wish for the friendship to become ‘normal’ again

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But like people say, words and arrows, once released, cannot be taken back!


9. Yet you try your level best to make the friendship less awkward

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10. And you hope that time will heal both of your wounds

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And time does, eventually.

Then there will come a day when both of you will have matured enough to let that incident go, and become good friends again. You’ll probably laugh about it together then. Just wait for that day. 🙂

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