Man Using Thor’s Name & Pic In Fake ID To Buy Weed Has The Internet In Splits

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘fake it till you make it’. Some people are so good at it that they do in fact make it. But there are others whose attempts at faking it are so obvious that we wonder why they even tried. For example, this father in China who painted fake eyes on his lids to trick his baby into thinking he was awake while he actually took a power nap. Or this German woman who printed cash worth Rs. 11.5 lacs on her home inkjet printer and tried to buy an Audi with it.

Twitter user @cottoncandaddy brought another such incident to light. His sister works at an online weed dispensary in Canada and an unidentified man tried to buy some using a pretty obvious fake license.

Here’s a closer look at his handiwork where the name is Thor Thunder Odinson and address isn’t Asgard but 69 Big Hammer lane!

According to News18, the country legalised cannabis last year and now residents only have to provide identification to verify that they’re over 18 and citizens of Canada to procure marijuana.

Apart from applauding the man’s legit Photoshop skills, sharp-eyed netizens also pointed out that his license expired almost two years ago. All in all, his failed attempt garnered a lot of laughs and 6,600 retweets.

Do you have any hilarious fake ID stories to share? We’d love to hear them.

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