There Was A Fart Noise In The Latest Game Of Thrones Episode That We All Failed To Notice!

We saw Arya Stark getting her sight back. We saw Bran Stark seeing an intense flashback about his father. We saw Jon Snow (and his cute butt) wake up from the dead and execute Ser Alliser Thorne and Olly. #FuckOlly.

But the one thing we might have failed to notice in the latest episode of Game of Thrones is the little methane bubble that Maester Pycelle lets out.

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Yeah yeah. Don’t give us that look. We all know it was you.


But, his flatulence didn’t go unnoticed by all. Some fans very keenly observed that when Ser Robert Strong (that’s what his new name is in the books, FYI) walks in on Pycelle bitching about him and when Pycelle realizes it, he breaks wind in fear.

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Although people are still questioning if the noise was actually some glitch in the sound quality, some are certain that it was nothing except a fear-fart.


Twitter exploded after the episode and the debate on fart/no fart raged on.






On second thoughts, the episode should have been named ‘Windbreaker’ instead of  ‘Oathbreaker’. Don’t you think?

News Source:Metro UK
Cover Image Sources 1 & 2

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