13 Things We Always Forget To Thank Our Siblings For

Yes, they are sometimes (or all the time) a pain in the ass, but most of the time they make us thank god they were born.

Having a sibling is comforting and entertaining at the same time. There is never a dull moment when you are with them. You can be at your natural state – no pretending, no acting – the way that is the most easy to be in.

Sometimes we forget to thank them, mostly because our relationship with them is not the one where we “thank” them. But there is a chance that circumstances might take them away from you, be it a marriage, a college in a foreign land or just busy, busy life.

That’s why we must thank them. Thank them –

1. For being our friend when we went through the awkward teen introvert phase

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Maybe we moved to a new place, got admitted into a new school and did not have any friends. Our siblings remain our friends no matter where we are, however awkward we get during our puberty.


2. For letting us vent our anger by being a punching bag and still be OK with it

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Had a bad day at school? Punch little brother in frustration.

Got scolded by mother? Punch little brother in anger.

Thanks for taking all that.


3. You may not be the “cool” guy outside, but with them, you always feel cool and hip.

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We may be laughed at by some people at school and college and work for being weird and “different”, but we are still considered cool by our siblings.

Even if they say otherwise!


4. They always get you. Be it your sadness or your horrible sense of humor.

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They are always in sync with your feelings. And this connection never erodes – even with the passing of time.

This is the reason they will always laugh and cry with us.


5. They are always there to listen to the things you cannot tell anyone else

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It is not surprising for siblings to confide into each other things they wouldn’t even tell their parents and respective partners.

It is the kind of intimacy that is like nothing else.


6. For lying to our parents to get us out of trouble

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How many times have our siblings come to our rescue when we lied to our parents for coming home late? And who did we turn to when we wanted to make the lie stronger?

Our siblings have pulled us out of tight corners by even making up stories to save us.


7. For letting us try out all our WWE moves

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*watches Undertaker chokeslam*

*thinks about trying it out in real life*

*notices young brother on the sofa*


8. For setting a reputation in school so that teachers always said, “oh, you are his/her brother!”

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All of us who were the younger child, the teachers at our schools used to recognize us instantly – just because we were the brother/sister of XYZ.

Automatically these teachers would interact with us with a sense of familiarity, and hence made our journey through high school a bit easy.


9. For having an awesome time when our parents went out of town for one night.

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Long before we called our friends over when our parents left town, we had the best of times with our siblings. Be it binge eating, watching movies till dawn or just playing music at high volume – it was the best time we probably had.


10. They tell you their opinion unfiltered. No appeasing, no sycophancy. Just the truth as it is.

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We can always go to our siblings for honest feedback.



11. For being the constant cool companion you could tolerate during family gatherings and outings.

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Yes, we had our cousins, but they ae as good as our siblings too. The family poojas and functions become tolerable because of them.


12. For being our bodyguard and saying “Who did that to you?!” when we got home after a fight.

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One thing we can never, ever tolerate, however much we fight with our siblings – someone hurting them. No one gets away after hurting them!

Now excuse me as I go and choke slam my brother in gratitude.

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