10 Things That Terrify Youngsters To Their Very Soul

Being a young adult is hard. You’re too old to be a kid, and too young to be a responsible adult. There are a lot of moments in a youngster’s life where they go from normal mode to oh shit oh shit oh shit mode.

Here are things that, as a youngster, would terrify the living shit out of you:

 1. When your phone shows 10 missed calls from Mom

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2. When your significant other texts ‘we need to talk’

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3. When you realize your Facebook tab is still open in your friend’s laptop browser

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4. When someone accidentally opens your browser history

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Oh dear God.


5. When your parents open that one particular drawer where you’ve hidden your cigarettes

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*Deep breaths*


6. When someone accidentally goes into your image gallery

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Dafuq did you go there for?


7. When you know your grade sheet is going to arrive and the courier guy is at the door

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Gone. Dead and gone.


8. Realizing that you have a test due the next day, and you haven’t studied shit

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It has happened so often, that the feeling of being terrified is familiar to you.


 9. When your relatives ask you what your plans for the future are

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Don’t even.


10. When you realize that being an Indian student, you’re being trained, not educated

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This is so terrifying, that it’s not terrifying anymore.

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