12 Times You Felt Like A Teenager In Your 20’s

Growing past your teenage was just like getting a pimple. First you were overwhelmed by it’s appearance, then you tried tried very hard to get rid of it and then you cried because of the mess you’d created trying to get rid of it. But like all pimples, it disappears over a period of time.

Sadly when we grow up we still get those pimples, less frequently, but it does happen. So when is it that we lose all that gyaan we’d collected about being mature and adulting?

1. When you see someone chatting up your man

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What you do: You spread yourself all over him to mark your territory because peeing on him will become too play school.


2. When you have a crush on a colleague

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What you do: You feel like you are 15 again and you can’t help but flutter your eyelashes and mumble things you’d never say in your adult life.


3. When you get drunk off your face

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What you do: You’re transmitted back to a time when vodka was your best friend and Spice girls were your jam. So you throw caution and your reputation to the wind and puke your guts out.


4. When you meet your school/college friends

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What you do: According to How I Met Your Mother, Revertigo is a thing, where you become a version of yourself from the past when you meet people from that period of your life, and that’s exactly what happens in Teen land.


5. When you’re feeling too low

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What you do: There are times when you cry into your pillow for no reason apart from hormones, but when you grow older even that reason doesn’t withstand, but somehow the crying doesn’t stop.


6. When you see a bald person

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What you do: You rub your hand together like the teen you are, wishing you could hit that sweet bald spot.


7. When you have a fight with your best friend

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What you do: You give low blows even though you know better now, you still insist on being all huffy and self righteous.


8. When you go shopping with your teenage sister

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What you do: You think more times than it’s appropriate, ‘I can wear that too’.


9. When another alpha male/ hot female joins the office and makes you second best.

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What you do: ‘What’s she got, she’s just a big ol S**t bag’. Yeah, that’s real mature.


10. When you hear that Pokemon reruns are going on all through the weekend

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What you do: Binge watch them all day and then think to self, ‘Where did my sunday go?’.


11. When the first tunes of ‘Ketchup Song’ started playing

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What you do: You forget all your worries and start dancing to those oh-so familiar steps.


12. Each and every time you talk to your parents about anything practical

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What you do: ‘But, I’m right and you’re wrong’. Yeah, that’s not the best way to win an argument and you should know that at 20.

Well being a teen sort of comes naturally to us, but maybe, just maybe it’s nice to have a little bit of the teenage version inside you. 

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