Teenager Miraculously Catches Baby Falling From 2nd Floor Of A Building! Watch Video

One glance at Baby’s Day Out and you get a good glimpse at just how curious, mischievous and accident-prone babies really are. Well, the reality is just as true for parents of toddlers who often struggle to manage these fire-balls of energy together with tackling work and chores. Alas, heartbreaking stories of toddlers getting mistakenly locked inside a car and dying of suffocation or falling from trecherous stairs often come to light in different parts of the world.

A similar incident has been reported in Turkey where a baby was saved by a teenager as she fell from the window of her apartment on the second floor. The hair-raising video of the dramatic moment is going viral on social media.

The baby named Doha Muhammed was caught by 17-year-old Feuzi Zabaat. Thw teenager from Istanbul noticed that the baby was about to fall from the window and caught her saving her life as soon as she slipped from the window.

“I did what was necessary for the love of Allah,” the teenager who saved the baby girl’s life told ABC. Her mother was reportedly cooking food in the kitchen when the baby walked towards the open window and accidentally fell down.

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Though the baby escaped the accident without any injury, the horrifying video has shaken social media to the core.

We are glad that the teenager’s quick reflex and presence of mind helped him save a life!

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