10 Things You Learn About Friendship When You Are A Teenager

We soon realize that we make the best of friends during our teenage years; school and college days. And without those crazy friendships, we would neither have discovered life nor our own true selves.

And every time we watch movies/shows based on teenage years, we go down that amazing trip of nostalgia. Here are a few things we learned about friendship during our teenage days:

1. Your dabba is their dabba, and their dabba, yours

Unless you were extremely selfish and didn’t know to share, you indulged in a communal feast where everyone pooled their dabbas in the middle and everyone just jumped in. Sharing was learned.


2. You get into fights

As a teenager, you are volatile and not really the most level-headed at that age. Simple situations become complex with just a word spoken. You will get into fights (fist-fights) and you will hurt each other.


You make up with them the next day

Holding grudges is not until you become an adult. Making up is the easiest at this age since egos are not exactly well developed. Shaking hands with the friend who broke your nose the next day is a very normal sight.


3. You will tell them everything

From your awkward pubescent experiences to your confused sexual identity, you will spill the beans to your best friends. Subconsciously, you will be accepting to different friends who are not from your religion, who are gay, who are confused about their sexuality and what not.


4. You will ape your friends only to discover your true self

There will be times you will hold some of them in a positive light and admiration. There is a good chance that you will follow and imitate everything that they do. But soon, you’ll find your own skin among the cloaks of imitation.


5. There is a lot of peer-pressure

You will realize the hard way that If you do not keep up, you will be downgraded to the lower echelons of the classroom society. But the bigger lesson you will learn is to stand for yourself and not succumb to peer pressure.


6. Your parents will not like all of them

You do not know what exactly is right or wrong at that time, but your parents do and they will not like all of your friends and you will probably hate them for that.


7. You will understand the value of keeping promises and secrets

They know all your past secrets, right from your first crush to your first kiss, and have seen friendships fall apart due to broken promises. So you understand the value of words.


8. You would have fought for them

If your friend got into a fight, you will probably fight for them, even if it means getting a bloodied nose. Lessons on loyalty learned firsthand.


9. Some last and some do not

Some friends will stay with you through the years, and some will just move away and you will not even realize it. The friends who stay will probably be your friends for life.


10. But the ones that last, would have taught you the most important lesson:

How would you have reacted if you realized that your best friend was gay? Relive similar highs and lows of those adventurous years in the upcoming movie Time Out that tells us the adolescent story of two brothers during their teenage days of exploration, self-discovery and fun.

Time Out releases on September 25, 2015. Watch it and relive your teenage years.

Cheers to friendship.

This story is brought to you in association with Viacom 18 Motion Pictures

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