Taslima Nasreen Suggests An Easy Way To Commit Suicide, Gets Brutally Slammed Online

According to WHO, around 800 000 people die due to suicide every year, which means one person ends his life every 40 seconds around the world. Suicide is a global phenomenon that needs to be checked immediately. Stress, trauma and other mental disorders are some of the common reasons that lead a person to take the extreme step.

And, spreading awareness about the same is our responsibility as humans! But controversial writer Taslima Nasreen thinks otherwise. She is apparently worried about the ‘painful ways’ like slitting one’s wrist or jumping in front of a train that people opt for to commit suicide. And so, she has suggested a less painful way to commit suicide that will ‘help a person die peacefully’.

Sharing her thoughts in a Twitter post, Taslima wrote, “So many painless ways to commit suicide. why hang yourself, drown yourself, or cut your wrist, why jump from the high rise building or the bridge, or swallow pesticide, or poison or why jump in front of an oncoming train? Take the lethal doses of morphine and die peacefully.”

Her post, quite obviously, did not go well with the Twitterati. Taslima has received massive backlash for her insensitive and provoking words. While some have tagged her as mentally ill, others have called her out for her ignorant and unhelpful tweet.


In response to the flak that she has been receiving, Taslima defended herself in another tweet and said that she did not aim to encourage suicide.

Taslima Nasreen was originally a Bangladeshi resident. She was boycotted from her nation in 1994 because of her anti-Islamic writings and was given asylum in India by the government.

When one of the leading causes of the major causes of deaths among youngsters is suicide, a proclaimed writer suggesting less painful ways to end one’s life is certainly not acceptable! What are your thoughts on the entire row?
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