A social media influencer, Dr Tanaya Narendra recently slammed designer Tarun Tahiliani‘s store for body shaming her while she was shopping for her wedding lehenga. Shorty after, the designer issued a statement about the incident, to which Tanaya responded.
Earlier, Tahiliani maintained that the pandemic was responsible for unavailability of sizes. TOI now reports him saying, “We have clearly told our store people to be honest with our customers. You will not sell them things that will not look good on them.
“If you can’t do it, tell them. Don’t take the orders because you are trying to meet a target and then tomorrow you let people down, it is not cool. If someone thinks that it is fat-shaming, then I would like to tell them that we are a service industry and not therapists,” he said.
The designer alleges that he’s always celebrated diversity. “We have designed clothes for specially abled people, done gay weddings. As a brand, we have always promoted inclusivity. So if I and my brand are being accused of fat-shaming someone, I have no words left,” he added.
Tahiliani shared a past incident to further explain his stance, saying, “We are a service industry and we are here to provide solutions for people. When Simone Tata’s granddaughter got married, Simone came to us in a wheelchair, she couldn’t even stand. We went out of our way to make sure she was comfortable and looked lovely obviously. It is our job as couturiers to make sure that we cater to the need of our clients and provide them with the best possible solution. Our team has been sensitized to deal properly with our clients and make them feel welcome.”
The designer appears to have a bone to pick with Dr Tanaya for the way she expressed her displeasure online. “Even if things might have happened, it is their (store people) words against hers. But there is always a way to express your displeasure. The kind of language she used while sharing her thoughts on social media with the continuous use of the F-word was downright tacky,” he added.
What do you think of Tahiliani’s stance? Tell us.