Tarun Tahiliani Calls Out ‘Made In Heaven 2’ Makers For Using His Designs Without Giving Credit

Nowadays, when a film or series is released in the theatre or on an OTT platform which features a mainstream actor or is directed/produced by a mainstream filmmaker, then it is a given that it’ll be scooped into some controversy or the other. Be it a dialogue, a scene, a song or an outfit, even the slightest bit of here and there causes outrage. However, this time, Made In Heaven 2 genuinely pissed off a renowned designer, Tarun Tahiliani.

Tarun Tahiliani recently took to his Instagram Stories to call out the makers of Made In Heaven 2 for using his creations in an episode in the series without giving him proper credit.

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He revealed that he had given his designs to the stylist in good faith and the show credited them to a fictitious designer.

“It is most unfortunate when a popular OTT series violates the understanding behind the provision of clothing in the first place. Case in point: Significant portions of the second episode of ‘Made in Heaven,’ were styled using clothes provided by the Tarun Tahiliani studio in good faith to the stylist,” he revealed.

Tahiliani further went on to add, “Unfortunately, a fictitious designer (actor) representing a fictitious label presented our garments! This is a shocking breach of faith. If this is what the production house intended, they should have engaged a costume designer, had costumes designed, and proceeded as they saw fit.”

“Let’s hope that this scenario does not repeat itself with other designers who have graciously lent their work for OTT productions. Furthermore, it is our hope that such actions will never be considered acceptable in the future,” he concluded.

If we place ourselves in the designer’s shoes, of course we would hate it if our creations were passed off as someone else’s – fictitious or real. What’s even worse is that the showmakers didn’t communicate truthfully about their intent of using his designs. We stand by Tarun on this one.

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