On Driver’s Last Day At Job, Tamil Nadu District Collector Drives Him Home. Heartwarming!

Farewells are always a little bitter-sweet. But work farewells can sometimes be mundane and boring. You go the restaurant, eat food, have drinks, promise to keep in touch (when everyone knows you’re not going to), cut a cake and sing “For he’s a jolly good fellow” and then bye-bye.

But this story about office farewells will warm your heart!

After working for 35 years as a driver with the government, Paramasivam was given a heartfelt farewell gift. He and his wife were driven back home by the district collector of  Karur, T. Anbalagan.

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According to The Hindu, the district collector surprised the couple by making them sit on the rear seat and drove them back home.

He even threw a grand reception party for the driver and his wife and presented the couple with a shawl and gold coin as a symbol of appreciation. He also recollected Mr. Paramasivan’s impeccable record as a driver to Collectors of the district since 1996.

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He even stopped over at Paramasivam’s abode for half an hour and had a photo session with the family.

Touched by this kind gesture, Paramasivam said,

“I have served many Collectors of Karur district since 1996. But, I never imagined that a Collector would drive me home. It was unimaginable. I will cherish the moment forever.”

His impeccable record speaks for itself as he has won awards for being in no accidents thrice.

District collector, Anbalagan also said that the drive wan’t planned but a spur of the moment thought. He even added that it was a good experience for him too.

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Isn’t that a heartwarming gesture. It makes one feel so nice when you give your sweat and blood to a job and you are appreciated for it. It makes everything worth it!

Salute Anbalagan for the thought and Paramasivam for deserving it!

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