These 20 Hilarious Animal-Comics Will Kill You With Their Twisted Endings

Poorly Drawn Lines comics are hugely popular over the internet, and the man behind these hilarious jokes is San Francisco-based cartoonist, Reza Farazmand.

We spent all our childhood imagining what would it be like if animals could talk. Well, reading Panchatantra and Jataka tales definitely helped, but as we have grown up, we have lost touch. So ‘Poorly Drawn Lines’ is back with some HILARIOUS animal comics that will have you on the floor laughing within 10 seconds of reading them!

1. If I were a bird, I know what I’d be like…


2. Listen to your dad, son!


3. Surprise, bitch! ?




5. They are right actually. Kind of works! ?


6. What about not listening to strange rabbits, Alice? ?


7. I wish I grow up to be as strong as this beetle.


8. The biggest dilemma in this world! ?


9. We all know how it feels bear…we all know!


10. Thug dog! ?


11. Looks like Rachel can use some cat counselling!


12. That is deep beetle meta shiz right there!


13. *slyly waves and walks away from ostrich*


14. Wish I had a boyfriend like that!


15. Birds get Karma too…apparently!


16. That awkward moment when your friend shares too much!


17. Food solves all problems, even in the animal kingdom.


18. Don’t roll your eyes. This duck has full right to choose ‘bar dancing’ as its profession.


19. Take the hint, bird! ?


20. When adulthood spreads its wings… ?

Don’t you just love talking animals? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

If you want to read more, you can follow Poorly Drawn Lines at | Facebook | Twitter

H/t: Boredpanda

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