14 Suspense Novels That Are Must Reads For Thrill Seekers

The world of literature has many layers to it, and when it comes to the hair-raising fusion of thriller-suspense-crime, the author makes sure to keep the layers thicker. The plot gets so twisted that when the truth is presented before the reader, he is left in a state of disbelief, for nights at end; a quality that the world-renowned authors of the following listed books possess.

1. Gone Girl

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Author: Gillian Flynn

Publication year: 2012

The novel tells the tale of the rough marriage of Nick and Amy Dunne, and the major mystery revolves around Nick Dunne’s speculated role in his wife’s disappearance.


2. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

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Author: Stieg Larsson

Publication year: August 2005, January 2008 (in English)

The professional life of once highly respected financial journalist, Mikael Blomkvist, comes crashing down and nothing seems to be going his way until a retired Swedish CEO offers him help, but of course on a condition. Blomkvist must spend a year researching and trying to decode the mysterious disappearance of his grandniece that occurred decades ago. And for the same research, Blomkvist asks for help from a bright but disturbed computer hacker, Lisbeth Salander, AKA The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo.


3. The Da Vinci Code

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Author: Dan Brown

Publication year: April 2003

The revered symbologist Robert Langdon wakes up at the dead of the night to attend a phone call. The elderly curator of the Louvre is found dead inside the museum. What’s chilling is the discovery of the curator’s body in the shape of Vitruvian Man: a drawing by Leonardo da Vinci. The side of his body features a cryptic message and a pentagram can be seen made in his own blood, in the centre of his chest.

Langdon with another gifted French cryptologist gets down to business and is stunned on learning about certain clues cleverly hidden in Leonardo da Vinci’s works. And so there starts a series of twists and turns that make this novel a gripping read.


4. The Hunt For Red October

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Author: Tom Clancy

Publication year: 1984 (1st edition)

A military thriller, the author strings shockingly realistic scenarios. In fact, the convincinig nature of this novel even gave birth to rumors of Tom Clancy having been debriefed about the events by the White House. The novel is without a debate, as Goodreads call it, “a masterpiece of military fiction by one of the world’s most popular authors.”


5. Murder On The Orient Express

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Author:  Agatha Christie

Publication date: January 1, 1934

Each work of Christie is a masterpiece of its own kind. This detective novel, in particular, sets off when an internationally acclaimed detective boards the Orient Express in Istanbul. The train was surprisingly full considering the time of the year. During the journey, the detective is approached by a passenger who confides in the detective fear of his life being in danger, but the detective dismisses his offer, and…

This one will keep you guessing till the end.


6. Angels & Demons

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Author: Dan Brown

Publication date: 2000

For those who can throw themselves into unimaginable depths of mysteries, this is the book to read. The book centers around the resurgence of the powerful historical brotherhood group: the Illuminati. The group has resurfaced to successfully get through its last phase of legendary vendetta against the Catholic Church.

They have placed a time bomb at the centre of the Vatican City. And Langdon is racing against time going through the many symbols, sealed crypts, and many other mysteries thrown in his way, to help sustain Vatican.


7. And Then There Were None

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Author: Agatha Christie

Publication date: 6 November 1939

Another marvel by Christie, she described it as the most difficult book to write. The world’s best-selling mystery talks of 10 people being lured into coming to an island under different pretexts, by a millionaire host who is nowhere to be seen. The guests, although strangers to one another, share a common (and wicked) secret. It is on the island where they will be served the taste of their respective secrets they aren’t willing to disclose.


8. Live By Night

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Author: Dennis Lehane

Publication year: January 1, 2012

The winner of the 2013 Edgar award for the novel of the year, Live By Night is the gripping tale of the making and unmaking of a gangster, set in the prohibition era of the Roaring twenties. The artful depiction of the era when the wrong was celebrated will leave you hooked till the very end.


9.  The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest

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Author: Stieg Larsson

Publication year: May 2007 (Sweden), October 2009 (United Kingdom)

The last novel in the best-selling trilogy, this one too features Lisbeth Salander as the heart of the story. Once a victim of many atrocities, Lisbeth, now takes revenge.


10. Killing Floor

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Author: Lee Child

Publication date: March 1997

Jack Reacher gets off a bus in Margrave, Georgia, remembering his brother telling him of a Blues musician who died there. In an unexpected turn of events, Reacher is arrested in less than an hour for a murder he didn’t commit. (At least not in the recent times). Reacher, an ex-military policeman, sure doesn’t stand any chance of proving himself innocent, especially in the town of Margrave.

This brilliant work was actually a debut novel of Lee Child. In fact, this enthralling thriller was awarded the Anthony and Barry award for best first novel.


11. The Shining

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Author: Stephen King

Publication year: January 28, 1977

An aspiring writer and a recovering alcoholic, Jack Torrance gets a job as an off-season caretaker in Overlook Hotel, where he moves in with his family. His young son Danny has ‘the shining’: The psychic abilities that become extremely frightening and allow him to see the horrific past of the hotel.

During the winter season, the blizzard leaves them snowbound, and the supernatural forces dwelling in the hotel do not go well with Jack.

This one has the potential of turning you into an insomniac.


12. Shutter Island

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Author: Dennis Lehane

Publication year: April 15, 2003

U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels with his new -partner, Chuck Aule, comes to Shutter Island to investigate the mysterious disappearance of the murderess Rachel Solando from Ashecliffe Hospital, the hospital for the Criminally Insane. The investigation doesn’t involve the regular hardships and mysteries. It gets far more horrifying than you can imagine.


13. Red Dragon

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Author: Thomas Harris

Publication year: October 1981

There’s a serial killer known by the name “Tooth Fairy” that murders random families during sequential full moons. The ingenious FBI instructor knows the details of the murderer. But in order to get hands on him, he has to embrace a series of gruesome events, including taking help from the dreadfully dangerous, Dr. Hannibal Lecter.


14. The Silence Of The Lambs

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Author: Thomas Harris

Publication date: 1988

The deadly “Buffalo Bil” is on the loose and the only way he can be caught is if there’s another one in the quest with a mind of the criminal. And there’s one, but behind the bars, serving 9 life sentences. He is willing to assist in the hunt of the serial killer, if it helps him in his own escape from the prison.

Since it wasn’t possible to put an assortment of all the best suspense-thriller novels out there, I picked some that are most read.

Has any of these (or any other which is not on the list) left a permanent impact on your mind?

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