What I Learned From Studying In A Women’s College

When I got admission in one of the most prestigious educational institutions, I should have been over the moon! But I was sitting on my sofa, biting my nails and thinking of escaping to another country.

I’d just got myself committed to an all women’s college for 3 whole years!

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I thought I must be a crazy person, to commit myself to this insanity after spending almost 12 years in a girls school. I kept having flashbacks of mean girls undermining my self confidence and making me question my existence. I was convinced that I was trying to self sabotage my life.


But you gotta do what you gotta do, so I went with a bag full of cosmetics and a few plain books, holding them close for protection.

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I expected to end up at the bottom of the social ladder, trying to climb my way up the bitchiness ladder and failing miserably. I walked in looking at these ridiculously beautiful girls parading all over campus and shrunk a little bit more.


But in the course of those 3 years, something amazing happened.

I started to realize that these girls didn’t care about how they looked or what they wore, they didn’t care about being mean or undermining others. They broke a million myths in just the first month. No one wore heels or makeup that hid their faces, no one swooned about boys or threw themselves at the first male in sight. No one asked about your relationship status to make fun of you or judge your significant other.


No, these girls supported each other, they looked out for each other.

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They understood when you were having a low day, not just in a friend circle, in a lecture, in a team meeting and otherwise. They didn’t take advantage of your weakness, they encouraged you, by taking your help in something you were good at. They came to your rescue and picked up your slack when you needed help.


Everyone was competing, but not for who looked better, but for stuff that actually mattered and that never stopped them from helping each other.

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I learned a lot from this college. I didn’t have to go on a trip to ‘find myself’, I found my place among a 1000 girls under one roof and it wasn’t at the bottom. I learned from them that I have nothing to be insecure about and everything to be proud of. I learned to compliment another woman and genuinely mean it. I learned that relationships aren’t the end of everything, they’re just a very small part of who you are.


I learned that there is something more important than guys, and it’s unspoken camaraderie

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I met some of the most kind, inspired and strong women here and that’s when I learned we aren’t oppressed and we can’t be, especially when you’re surrounded by such fine specimens of human nature. I made friends for a lifetime and mentors who’ve made me everything I am today.


I went in there feeling like nothing and I came out knowing that I’m on my way to becoming the best version of me.

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So, you ask how I did it? It was simple. I was 100% myself. I didn’t put on any air, I didn’t fake concern and I didn’t pretend to be better than who I am. I ugly cried on my worst days, I happy danced on my best, I took charge when I needed to and followed when I was asked to. I never pretended like I got along with guys better, because after this, I know there is no bond stronger or greater than unity.

Those were the best days of my life and honestly, they made me a better person. 

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