Youngsters Were Asked The Meaning Of ‘Surgical Strike’. Their Answers Will Put You To Shame!

We are all very proud of our Army, our soldiers who risk their lives to keep us protected. Especially at the borders, where you never know when incidents like Uri attacks may happen. Our Army didn’t stay silent, though, they went in, they hunted and took out the terrorist camps along the border in an impossible maneuver! But how many of the youngsters in the country really understand the concept that is called a ‘surgical strike’?

According to Wikipedia :

A surgical strike is a military attack which results in, was intended to result in, or is claimed to have resulted in only damage to the intended legitimate military target, and no or minimal collateral damage to surrounding structures, vehicles, buildings, or the general public infrastructure and utilities.

The Nerdy Gangsters went around and asked a few young people of the country and their answers will surprise you.

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