Meet Kota’s Whiz Kid, Stuti Cracked Every Entrance Exam In India & Won A Scholarship To MIT!

Just when you thought that your board exam was the most difficult one that you managed to clear, one girl did the unexpected that is certain to raise many eyebrows.

Like hundreds of students who try to clear at least one competitive exam among the multiple exams they have appeared to get into some of the best medical and engineering colleges, Stuti Khandwala tried her very best for a bright future.

But the rarest of rare happened in her case!

Stuti Khandwala, a genius hailing from Gujarat just cracked every competitive exam she could think of appearing for, including NEET, AIIMS MBBS tests and JEE (Main).

She also cleared all these exams with flying colours. To say the least, she has an All-India Rank (AIR) of 71 in NEET 2019, which is every aspirant’s dream.

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She also bagged an AIR of 10 at the AIIMs test which is not easy to crack even for avid bookworms. Not to anyone’s surprise, she has got through Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the US and has also been offered a 90% scholarship.

Stuti reportedly enrolled in Allen Career Institute’s classroom programme in Kota, Rajasthan and now has a plethora of options before her.

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When asked about how she managed to achieve such a difficult feat, Stuti said her parents, as well as her teachers’ assistance, played a role in her success.

According to the institute, “Stuti has received an admission letter from the renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) which is crowned as the number one university across the globe. After completing her graduation from the University, Stuti wants to get into the field of research.”

This mastermind definitely sets the bar high. You go, girl!

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