12 Reasons Why Sundays Are Even Worse Than Mondays

Sundays are the best! NOT!

Sunday is that sly bastard in your group who betrays you when you need him the most. Sunday is the day you do need the most. You know Monday and all his weekday friends are assholes anyway.

Saturday is spent in a haze of hanging out with friends and chilling out.

And you need that Sunday to work, to take that relay baton of awesomeness and run ahead and carry the good time spent on Saturday forward.

But it screws up.

1. You get up very early on a Sunday and it is inexplicable

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And, by early, I mean very, very early. How is that on a Monday, even if you slept really early the previous night you get up feeling all lethargic? How do you wake up on a Sunday without an alarm, feeling alert and energetic?!

Sunday sucks!


2. And you are usually hungover

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Saturday night was the night you over-committed and now you suffer in silence.


3. You just lay there on your bed, and never get up ever again

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You do not have to be anywhere, right? So you just lay there procrastinating about everything in your head. You almost convince yourself that you can lie on that awesome bed of yours all day!


4. But there are chores to do. So many of them

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Laundry and cleaning the apartment and taking a long, hot shower. You have all the things to do on a Sunday, and you wonder whether Sunday is actually a holiday or not.


5. Screw the chores you can do them in the afternoon!

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Eventually even the chores get on the train called procrastination, and you just lie on the bed watching a movie or reading a book.


6. Irritating phone calls from friends for brunch

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“Dude! What do you mean you want to stay in?! Let’s go out have fun!”


Suddenly everyone wants to hang out, except you that is.


7. You just want to chillax

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Sunday is one day you get to relax completely and you want to make the most of it.


8. Whaaaaat?! It is 5 pm already!

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The first time you glance at a watch on a Sunday is too early in the morning and the next time you look at it, it’s already evening and you wonder where did the time go.


9. You realize that time is in a dreadful hurry on Sunday

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And suddenly you realize that time is just flying by. Hours feel like minutes.


10. And the expectations to have an awesome Sunday is enormous

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It is when the time starts to fly away and the spectre of Monday looms in the distance you actually think about spending the day eventfully. That’s how the expectation to have an awesome Sunday arises in your life.


11. And everyone else seems to have an awesome time on FB

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Everyone seems to be having the time of their lives living the life!

The evidence? Facebook and Instagram.

The result? Jealousy and Envy.


12. And then you remember it is Monday tomorrow.

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It is late in the evening and you know you are doomed. Monday is right over there. You can see it, and feel it!

But Mondays are that – Mondays. Mondays do not pretend to be anything else. Mondays have always been grumpy. In contrast, Sundays have always pretended to be this awesome guy, but turns out to be a total douchebag at the end of the day.

Even worse than Mondays.

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