Study Says World’s Most Successful People Wake Up At 4 AM, Twitter Says, ‘No Thanks’

I have a proverbial tattoo. And it reads, Sleep, and let sleep. And for those who are calling me lazy right now, let me tell you that several research reports have proven that sleep is actually good for health.

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Sleep is linked with better memory, clearer thinking, stronger immunity and a positive mood. Which is why when Inc. tweeted that, ‘The world’s most successful people start their day at 4 a.m.’, I felt personally attacked. And I’m happy to know even JK Rowling agrees with me.

The tweet that started it all

The Wall Street Journal reveals that the most productive time of day is 4 am. The reason being, minimal distractions (digital and otherwise). The article further states that Apple CEO Tim Cook, Virgin America CEO David Cush and many others rise before the sun. The key to success, apparently, is getting stuff done while the rest of the world snoozes.

But Twitter wanted no part of it, they responded with their sarcastic best.

  1. #SorryNotSorry

2. Night Owl

3. Parents know the struggle

4. Or 7 am maybe

5. Technicalities

6. Give this man a cookie


8. Nope, not happening

9. It’s a good tradeoff, actually

10. My thoughts exactly!

And there you have it, folks, no one has time for this kind of negativity in their life. Anyone who comes between a man (or woman) and their sleep, will be trolled.

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