College Student Climbs Flagpole In Excitement, Comes Crashing Down In Seconds!

Celebrations can go horribly wrong if one doesn’t know where to draw the line. Take, for example, a female college student in Texas, who went overboard with her extreme happiness during the spring break at the state.

In a video going viral, the girl who was wearing a bikini can be seen climbing a high metal pole. To add to it, she did not have any safety precautions and was using her bare hands to push herself up.

The video was recorded at the South Padre Island in Texas, where thousands of students gather every year to have fun during their annual break. Though she reached the top of the flagpole, she gets a cheerful response from the crowd for her act. However, it did not take long for the stunt to turn into an epic fail.

After staying at the top of the flagpole for a few seconds, she loses her balance due to a strong gust of wind, which causes the pole to move. And guess what? The girl comes crashing down to the ground along with the pole!

Here is the video:

The reaction of the people filming the video, says it all.

Never be too excited. (Unless you’re meeting your celebrity idol. No, even then. Play it cool).

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