“Statistically, Women Are Better Drivers,” Says Gul Panag, Breaking Unfounded Stereotypes.

Gul Panag has never been known to adhere to conventions or satisfy a stereotype. The actress has pushed the boundaries, breaking stereotypes and looking totally dope doing it. To give you an example just off the top of my head, she’s recently become a fully qualified aeroplane pilot!

She firmly believes that stereotypes about women have primarily developed through strong conditioning from a very young age.

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“The thing is we do stereotypification at a very young age. At a young age you are told that if you are a girl, then you just do arts you don’t need to do science or if you are a girl then you ride a gear less scooter because you can’t change gears.”

We are made to believe such things due to the constant conditioning at a very young age where girls are restricted from doing certain things.


As an example, the actress proves that the stereotype that women are terrible drivers is completely unfounded.

“Statistically, women are actually better drivers. If you look up statistics there are lesser women involved in accidents than men but it’s also because there are lesser drivers.”


With regards to driving, the 38-year-old actress explains why despite the statistical data, such a negative stereotype about women continues to exist. It all starts with the guy who learns to drive first while his sister’s access to a vehicle is restricted.

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“It’s because of the conditioning that happens in our environment that women are perhaps less confident and this is why they are less reckless and safer drivers because they are involved in lesser accidents statistically.”

If the girl is conditioned to believe at an early age that she may not be as good as her brother, it might just become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Instead, if we trusted our girls to be able to accomplish those things that we only expect from our boys, perhaps we would lay rest to a lot of these unfounded stereotypes.

Gul Panag certainly makes a powerful point and drives it home (see what I did there?).

News Source: The Indian Express

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