Shah Rukh Khan To Remake Popular TV Series “Breaking Bad” Into A Hindi Movie

“You clearly don’t know who you’re talking to, so let me clue you in.
I am not in danger, Skyler.
I am the danger.
A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me?
No! I am the one who knocks!

Now imagine Shah Rukh Khan delivering this dialogue! Worry not if you’re unable to imagine the King Khan as Walt, because soon you might see a film with SRK breaking bad

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If reports are to be believed, SRK is all set to remake the popular TV series ‘Breaking Bad’ into a Hindi movie.


Shah Rukh Khan thinks Indian television is still not ready to accept the story involving meth, drugs and the mafia, but it can be turned into a movie.

“I want to make it into a movie. As a series, it is too evolved to come on Indian television. The Indian audience won’t be accepting of meth, drugs and the mafia. But the story of a man who is going to die and takes a chance to save his family is a good premise for a feature film.”, the actor reveals to Indian Express


Maybe Walter will have only one suggestion for SRK

But on a serious note, it would definitely be interesting how Breaking Bad looks when an Indian spin is given to it.

Only time will tell.

Till then do let us know your opinion in the comment section below.
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