Mumbai Railways May Soon Sell Scented ‘Spit Bags’ So Stations Are Free Of Paan Ki Peek!

One of the annoying habits we Indians possess is spitting in public places. Where ever you go, you are likely to find someone spitting on the road, even though spitting in public spaces is unhygienic and has become a health hazard in the current times.

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Hence, in the bid to keep railway stations clean and germ-free, the Railways have decided to come up with portable spittoons, reports Mid-day. These spit pouches and containers will be available for the public at a minimum price of Rs 10 and Rs 20 respectively.

As of now, machines vending biodegradable and reusable EzySpit pouches and containers have been installed in Nagpur station as a passenger amenity. And if it receives a good response, you may soon see people using them in Mumbai.

Highlighting the perks of using the pocket-size spit pouches and containers, Nagpur’s senior divisional commercial manager Krishnath Patil said, “We are determined to keep stations clean, and while general litter and garbage can be taken care of, spitting has been a major challenge. A pouch can be used multiple times during the journey. This pouch will prove to be a boon in these times of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

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He further added that these handly pouches are a boon for senior citizens and ill commuters. “During a journey, passengers have to sit at the same berth for hours. Senior citizens and ill commuters many a time find it very difficult to visit the washroom frequently. Spitting out of the window is unhygienic and also leads to complaints and fights with co-passengers, besides the fear of infection. These pouches and containers provide a win-win situation to tide over the crisis and also maintain cleanliness.”

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These spittoons are spill-proof and release a fragrance every time someone spits in them. It also contains a solution that will reportedly help solidify the spittle, liquid, vomit in 10 seconds. After using them, the bags can be hygienically disposed of.

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Spitting in public has been declared an offence by the government. Authorities are also taking stern actions against violators. Let’s hope these practical spit bags will help in keeping the surroundings clean and germ-free.

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