10 Scientific Reasons Why You Should Totally Have More Spicy Food

Indian food is rich in spices and it is renowned worldwide because of its aroma and the taste that lingers on the tongue for so long. And some people just have a knack of having only spicy food. For them, the meal has no significance if it has no spices. ‘Extra spicy’ is their mantra while devouring food.

But as much as some people think spice is not good, there are certain health benefits that are worth taking note. Here are some of them:


Ever wondered why most Indian curries have turmeric and black pepper together? It’s because Turmeric + Black pepper increases the absorption of Curcumin (an anti-cancer element) in the human body.

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Spicy food increases metabolism. Moreover, the main compound in chillies, called capsaicin, has a thermogenic effect that causes the body to burn calories for 20 minutes after a meal.

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This happens because of the secretion of serotonin (a feel-good hormone) upon consuming spicy food.

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Spicy food stimulates TRPV1 (transient receptor potential vanilloid 1), a blood vessel receptor, that in turn promotes the release of nitric oxide and lowers blood pressure. Keep the heart problems at bay!

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Apart of the widely known anti-inflammatory benefits, spicy food is also an excellent pain reliever. It works by depleting the body’s supply of substance P, a chemical component of nerve cells that transmits pain signals to the brain.

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In various studies, ginseng and saffron are found to boost sexual performance. How many of you would start eating spicy food from now on? *evil grin*

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Spices are good for diabetic or pre-diabetic people as they regulate blood sugar levels naturally.

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Australian researchers have found that people who regularly consumed spicy meals fall asleep more easily. They also wake up easier and have more energy throughout the day. To all the insomniac souls, here is your real medicine.

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A recent study proves that spicy food may be linked with lowering of early death. Want to increase mortality rate? Hog on spicy food! 🙂

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Given all the benefits, spicy food should be avoided before bedtime or consumed in moderation because it may lead to indigestion.

So, are you ready to add some spice to your lives?! 🙂 Because, I sure am.

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