Bollywood actor Sonu Sood has already touched the lives of many people this year, from taking up responsibility for orphaned siblings from Telangana to offering employment to a techie after she got laid off. And he is still helping many people who are reaching out to him on social media.
Recently, he was approached by a woman seeking help for her ailing father-in-law who needed an ICU bed in AIIMS Patna. Sonu ensured that he would provide immediate assistance. Check out the tweet below:-
Not to worry… today he will get the admission.
— sonu sood (@SonuSood) August 2, 2020
After receiving his reply and help, the woman was all praises for him. She explained how critical her father-in-law was earlier as he had tested positive for COVID-19. She then received a call from the actor, who personally looked into the matter and arranged the hospital bed for her. Here are her tweets:-
My dad was v critical in Patna.
Didn’t get bed anywhere.
Lost hope and was stressed.Then the miracle happens, @SonuSood calls and I get the bed at AIIMS immediately. My dad is recovering now.
God bless u
Where there is Hope
There is Sonu sood.— SWETA STNGH (@StnghSweta) August 6, 2020
And finally, Sonu tweeted in response that he’s glad that the patient is recovering and offered to be available on the phone for any further requirements she might have. See his tweet here:-
So happy to know that your dad is recovering fast. Anything you need just feel feee to call. 👍
— sonu sood (@SonuSood) August 6, 2020
He is really the epitome of kindness. What do you think? Tell us!