Picture Of BSF Soldier Braving The Floods To Do His Duty Shows The True Spirit Of Service!


We, the citizens of India, owe a great deal to our soldiers. A good night’s sleep, amongst many. We owe it to our Jawans who are guarding borders and taking bullets, while we stay safe and protected in the comforts of our homes. The list is endless, to be honest.

It is the same reason why India, a country of varied ideologies-the ‘left’ and the ‘right’-that stands at odds otherwise, comes to be one, just at the thought of the Indian Army and its brave soldiers. Don’t go by my words, see for yourself.

Major Surendra Poonia‏ who is a Special Forces veteran himself recently posted a picture of a BSF soldier doing his duty in a flood-stricken area and it will fill your eyes. 


“Whatever …Wherever … Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow & Forever …You will find me here”

– Indian Soldier. Jai Hind


Needless to say, the picture of the brave man in uniform has civilians applauding him hard for his dedication and commitment to his duty.  



2. We bow before thee!


3. And more…


4. The heart swells with pride!


5. Hail Indian forces!





7. The unsung heroes!


8. Undoubtedly!


9. Words fall short!



10. Only if it materialised more…

I have said this earlier and I will say it again, if it weren’t for our soldiers we would not be here talking world politics. Our salute to these unsung heroes and their invaluable sacrifices!

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