20 Clever No-Smoking Campaigns Will Make You Think Before Lighting Your Next Death Stick

Smoking causes cancer, damages organs, rots teeth etc. Such warnings have been making the rounds across the media spectrum for years now. However, most smokers pay no heed to them. The image of a person affected by throat cancer on every cigarette packet now simply seems like a part of the packet’s design.

The no smoking campaign needs to get a lot more persuasive, don’t you think?

Here are some of the most brilliantly made non-smoking posters which would do a much better job of discouraging you to light up your next stick of death:

1. An accurate representation of the ‘smoking room’.


2. This is for all the men out there trying for a child.


3. Just try it. Unless you’ve been a smoker too long. In which case, round 2 is nearly impossible!


4. That sign, you will follow. Then why not follow the one on the packaging?


5. If only we got 1ups in real life!


6. Passive smoking causes just as much harm.


7. Especially to your kids.


8. And that point is really well made over here.


9. So next time, at least take the smoke outside. 


10. One cigarette could clear the lung in about a 100 rounds. Now think about how much faster it would be for 10 of them!


11. Soon enough, that’ll be your lips’ natural colour.


12. A few years from now, this photo may be a more attractive poster for a dentist’s office than a picture of your teeth.


13. Yup, she’s just 42! 


14. Now that’s smart packaging!


15. Yes, first-hand information at that. However, it would be a little too late don’t you think?


16. While you may not be as bothered about your own health, at least give new life a chance! 


17. Statistically, smokers die 15% sooner than others. So there’s a special provision for them 15% before a book ends. 


18. And drastic weight loss is certainly not advisable. 


19. You need to get proficient in sign language, for when throat cancer takes away your voice.


20. Cancer takes away the one thing needed to smoke: Life.

21. Don’t become a slave to the habit.


I’m not going to make any kind of radical assumptions like ‘these illustrations would have successfully convinced you to kick the habit.’ We all know that’s not realistic. However, I’ll definitely say that hopefully, they’ve given you something to think about the next time that you light up a smoke.

H/T: Boredpanda

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