10 Different Sleepless Nights That All Of Us Have Gone Through

The nights are quiet, calm and let you notice the best things in your life because they shine more in the gauzy veil of darkness. Think of all the sleepless nights you have spent and say if you can relate to any of this.

1. The night when you watched a horror movie

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You shouldn’t have watched that horror flick. You kept your face covered with your hands all through the movie but managed to watch enough through the middle of your fingers not to be able to sleep all night.

You’d lie down, straight and stiff, with your head tucked under the sheet waiting for the break of dawn so that you can go to the toilet and release your bladder.


2. The night before the exam

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You had plenty of time to prepare and then you realized that plenty of time to prepare was something you shouldn’t have been given. Having taken time for granted, your night before the exam was a waking nightmare of panic and frustration along with a dint of guilt.

You read one line of the text book and spent the next ten minutes imagining yourself flipping burgers at McDonald’s. Wasn’t a good night, was it?


3. The night before the result

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It’s been a few weeks since that horrible night before the exam and you had almost forgotten about how you had shat all over the test paper. Now, the time has come again for yet another night of intense introspection and endless negotiations with God.


4. The night the mosquitoes loved you

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You shouldn’t have taken them lightly. You kept the the windows open and it was too late when you realized that the troops are already in. It was then that you realized that these mosquitoes have evolved over the years and they don’t give a rat’s ass about the puny little mosquito coils and mats.

You tried to make the best of the night thinking the constant humming in your ears as white noise and it could have worked if they didn’t bite as hard.


5. The night you were too hungry

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You had a heavy lunch and a hearty evening snack and you thought you were good to go for the night. However, when you realized that skipping dinner was a bad idea it was already past midnight and there was no food at home.

You just kept staring at the ticking clock for the first tea stall to open with the break of dawn with spasms of hunger in your stomach.


6. The nights of late night conversations

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Amidst all that unnecessary social networking and meaningless scrolling down, all of a sudden you found someone who seemed to know the right words to make you confide with things you never thought you would in a stranger.

Those were long winter nights but not long enough to say goodnight until the first rays of the gentle winter sun reached you through the windows, saying, you’re in love.


7. The nights in white satin

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What followed was the time of youthful love – intense, passionate, promising and of course, amorous. The darkness of the night played along the secret games of you two when you sneaked each other into yourselves – the world remained oblivious of the two lovers, wrapped sleepless in the white satin that mildly hugged your bare skins.

You wouldn’t mind if one those nights never had a dawn.


8. The night your heart broke

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It was laid out straight and simple that you’r not special anymore. You thought you could take it but all you had to do was wait until the night. Those were the nights of heartbreak induced epiphanies about love, the idea of it, the man-made concepts of happily ever afters, about modern feminism, patriarchy, the futility of promises or life for that matter.


9. The night you didn’t want to end

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We all have been there where the wall touches our backs and we can’t step back anymore. The night of dejection, disappointment, self loathe and wet pillows felt comfortable compared to the thought of waking up in the morning and facing the world for yet another day.

You were broken and you thought you could never be mended ever again – you prayed the night to stay the way it was so that you could hide underneath the blanket of darkness.


10. The night you shone like the sun

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Who knows how and when someone suddenly finds a meaning to life – the zeal long lost. It happens in the darkest hours of night that you suddenly find yourself radiant with energy – you swipe the dust off your dreams, the passion that once defined and you; you burn the midnight oil and create something that proved forever that you’re anything but mediocre – it was not some serendipity conspired by the cosmos – it was you all the way.

“He would lie in the bed and finally, with daylight, he would go to sleep. After all, he said to himself, it is probably only insomnia. Many must have it.” – Ernest Hemingway.

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