Watch Men Slap Each Other Hard AF In This Bizarre ‘Slapping Championship’ In Russia

If you haven’t had your “what the f**k” moment of the day, you are at the right place at the right time. And that’s because, the “Male Slapping Championship” which took place in Russia is weird enough to leave you baffled.

Titled as the Slapping Champion of 2019, the bizarre event specifically took place at Siberia’s Krasnoyarsk society and had men slapping each other as hard as possible. And I am not even kidding!

The setup looked similar to an arm wrestling competition, where the men stood facing each other and had a place to rest there hands between them. But instead of locking their arms, they had to whack each other with all their might.

However, there was one person wearing a blue sweater who stood out. Going by the name of Vasily Kamotsky, his slaps were insanely powerful and rattled every opponent that he faced. Thanks to the knockout blows, Kamotsky was declared the winner of the competition.

It is to be noted that the Slapping Champion is conducted as part of the Siberian Power Show. However, the participants are no trained athletes but commoners who wish to slap someone really hard.

Humans are crazy and that’s the bottom line!

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