9 Strange And Weird Side Effects Of Food You Eat Every Day

Food is a complex entity. Nowadays we eat so much variety of food in a single day we have no idea what food is affecting us in what way.

Turns out food still has a lot of tricks up its sleeve and we are still learning what some food does to the human body.

Here are the most common foods that leave you with very weird side-effects.

1. Sugar-free chewing gum causes diarrhea

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Most of the chewing gums out in the market contain sorbitol. The sugar-free kind contains much more of this compound. Sorbitol is poorly absorbed by our intestines and hence acts as a laxative.

If you are that guy who loves to chew gum and just switched to the sugar-free variety, it will be better if you chew in moderation or risk a lot of trips to the loo.

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2. Margarine can make you aggressive

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Margarine is that cheap alternative to butter that promises to give you less fat than conventional butter. The downside is that margarine makes you aggressive.

A research study showed that people become irritable and aggressive after consuming even normal amounts of margarine. And they included people of every age and habit and the result came the same – Margarine makes you very aggressive.

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3. Carrots and dates can give your skin color

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Carrots contain carotene. Carotene is what gives carrots its trademark orange color. Carotene is also present in vegetables like beetroot and cucumber and in fruits like plum and dates.

When you ingest a lot of carrots these pigments can give your skin an orange-ish color.

It is not a problem for darker people because you simply cannot see the pigmentation, but for fairer people the change in color is very visible.

If you ate carrots like a rabbit, that is.

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4. Coffee and tea can cool your body

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If you are feeling very hot on a particular summer day, what do you drink?

The ideal answer should be a hot cup of coffee or tea. Surprised?

Drinking hot tea and coffee tells your body to start sweating, which is the body’s natural mechanism to start cooling off and hence makes you cooler.

This is the reason people in India can drink hot cups of tea in summer and still enjoy it fully.

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5. Drinking a lot of coffee can give you hallucinations

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And not just simple hallucinations, long and utter addiction to coffee can lead to symptoms that are very similar to the symptoms of Schizophrenia.

A research study made people listen to white noise – the noise you hear on your TV when the cable goes out. The test subjects who drank up to 5 cups of coffee a day heard a song that was NOT being played in the background of the white noise.

Maybe it is time to cut on the caffeine to moderation.

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6. Soy can lower your sperm count

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Soya is what vegetarians eat to get the “taste” of chicken. Today soya is used in everything, to make soyabean oil, soya milk, soya health drinks and soya chunks.

In a research study, they found out that men who ate soy had half the sperm count compared to that of the people who did not eat soy at all.

Not a good food choice if you are looking to have some kids.

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7. The sight of meat is calming for men

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Sounds far fetched, but a research conducted on men proved just this. Researchers told a group of men to observe an actor who was reciting his lines on stage. Every time he made a mistake the men were told to make a noise, as loud as they wanted to make.

In between this, they were shown pictures randomly and turns out the people who saw meat and meat delicacies were the calmest and made the least amount of noise.

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8. Alcohol boosts your subconscious memory

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You remember the feeling of the good “buzz” after drinking alcohol? That is because your brain releases dopamine into your system that gives you the high that is associated with alcohol.

But dopamine doesn’t do just that. It also helps your brain in making new memories – but at a subconscious level.

This does not mean you take this as an excuse to start chugging because the study into this claim is still premature.

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9. Eating a lot of Mulberries can get you high AF

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Ripe mulberries are black in color and are sweet to taste. Unripe ones are reddish pink and have hallucinogenic properties.

Do not worry, you won’t get height if you eat a berry or two. It gets problematic if you eat a lot. The downside to this is that you also get diarrhea because unripe mulberries are a natural laxative.

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See, not all food is your best friend. Eat well and healthy and as always, moderation is the key.

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