‘I Am Not Such A Garrulous Sesquipedalian’, Shashi Tharoor’s Tweet Leads To Meme Fest

Get your dictionaries out because we’re back with another set of words bestowed upon us by none other than the ‘English God‘ Shashi Tharoor himself. The Thiruvananthapuram MP has dropped three more difficult words, ‘hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia’, ‘garrulous’, and ‘sesquipedalian’ in his latest tweet, reports the Indian Express.

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But why these exotic words, you ask? Well, recently the trailer of a web series called ‘Aarya’ was launched. And coincidently it seems the look of a character from the show has similarities with the MP. So, in order to highlight the resemblance, Saloni Gaur, a comedian made a hilarious video about it, reports Hindustan Times.

Have a look at filmmaker Hansal Mehta’s tweet about the video:

However, while Mr. Tharoor admired the comic imitation, he left people scratching their heads again with his choice of exquisite words.

So, while many people tried figuring what he was trying to say, others shared memes about his impeccable vocabulary:


Ironically the word ‘hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia’ means the fear of long words! And, in case you are wondering, ‘sesquipedalian’ is an adjective used to describe long words and ‘garrulous’ means talking excessively especially on trivial matters.

Well, it’s going to take me a lifetime to understand what Mr.Tharoor says without the help of a dictionary. How about you? Tell us!

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