A Father’s Heartfelt Letter To His Daughter Has Something Every Dad Should Realize

I realized a very important thing a few days ago. When we term a particular action as wrong or unfair, we tend to ignore the perspective and thinking of the person who commits the action. Does he think it’s wrong too? Maybe he doesn’t. The very idea of right and wrong is greatly determined by the conditioning that one goes through.

Being a progressive person, you know very well that household chores and laundry are NOT the role of the woman ALONE. But so many people never act on this and take it for granted. This has a lot to do with the conditioning within their own homes, when they probably never saw their dads help with the household work. But, it’s still never too late. We can still address this disparity by the simple action of #ShareTheLoad

Ariel India has made this beautiful video in which a Dad writes a heartfelt letter to his daughter to apologize for not setting a good example as he didn’t help his wife in household work.

It’s a request to all the dads to #ShareTheLoad and join in the responsibility of laundry and other household chores!

This story is brought to you in association with Ariel.

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