Sehwag Asked Indians What They Love About India And There Was Unity In Diverse Responses!

When we were in school, we’ve all written essays about India, the land of festivals, its unity in diversity, and rich cultural heritage. I mean, sure it all sounds amazing on paper when you put it like that. India, just as any other country, has its own faults—overpopulation, corruption, communal unrest, the caste system, a lack of basic civic sense, rigid norms and orthodox taboos and what not. But as Madhavan’s character from Rang De Basanti reminds us, Koi bhi desh perfect nahi hota!

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India has a lot that you can love about her. And Virender Sehwag was probably tapping into this unconditional love Indians have for their motherland when he asked them what they loved most about India.

You can only imagine what a crazy influx of responses this question must’ve received!

Sure, they were quite predictable answers, but it’s just such a lovely reminder in these pessimistic times of how much we Indians have to be grateful and proud of.

Let’s pause the pessimism and focus on the good for a while, shall we?

Our nation’s freedom struggle is indeed inspiring!

Nice touch with that point about Sehwag’s batting because it is quite inspiring too!

Now here’s a funny one but totally legit! A lot of people answered ‘jugaad‘ and there’s no way this answer isn’t amongst the top 3!

A very beautiful gesture of respect and humility that happens only in India!

And the best part? If you do it on special occasions like birthdays and festivals, you’ll get a nice treat for doing it too!

Hands down the only answer I’m concerned about right now!

Viru paaji was loving all the answers and even replying to some of them!

This one about different cultures blending together beautifully and yet retaining their individuality!

OMG yes! A train journey across India’s length and breadth would be the most ultimate experience!

Duh, not the movie, you guys! The actual holy pilgrimage sight!

Doesn’t it look divine?

Of course, any talk about India cannot be without a mention of cricket!

It’s so wonderful to see that other sports like tennis, kabaddi, badminton, hockey, football, wrestling, boxing and so on are also getting love from the masses. Thanks to social media, the limelight is no longer shining only upon cricket, and this spells a new dawn for sports in our country!

Someone brought up Bhagat Singh’s great sacrifice, and it’s one of the many inspiring stories about heroes born of this land!

Speaking of heroes, how can we ever forget our armed forces: army, navy and airforce!

They lay down their lives on the line so that we may be safe and that’s the ultimate profession of love for one’s country!

And Jai Kisan! Our farmers are part of this slogan by Lal Bahadur Shastri because they too play a massive role in India’s destiny as we are an agricultural nation.

Not to mention, our scientists and innovators, businessmen and labourers and every single person who works toward bettering the nation!

Someone mentioned Tamil language and Sehwag’s reply was quite impressive!

Viru paaji was quite impressed that a lot of the answers were about India’s unity in cultural diversity, which was much appreciated!

Well, that’s a nice reminder of the fact that we have a lot to begin our efforts in pushing this nation towards its destined greatness! Let’s get cracking!

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