If You See These 15 Things In A Guy, Run Away

We have absolutely no time to breathe since it’s well established that 9 to 5 is a myth. So how do you run your love life? You Tinder, you have a ‘meet cute’ at a bar next to your office or meet him at your dance class, but how do you filter? It’s the toughest job, to filter. Because one wrong decision can make him go from ‘the one’ to ‘the one who could have been’.

On the other side of the coin are the absolute no-no’s and that is who we’re going to have a little chat about.

1. The guy with a long pinky fingernail

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2. The guy who itches his crotch when he thinks no one is looking

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3. The guy who wears his jeans on his butt and thinks it’s okay to accessories with a ‘SWAG’ hat

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4. The guy who calls the waiter by ‘Edhar aa’, a whistle or a rude gesture.

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5. The guy who finds a way to talk about himself even when you’re talking about how green the grass is.

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6. The guy who thinks his ex-girlfriend is the centre of the universe

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7. The guy who uses ‘women’, ‘kitchen’ and ‘sit at home’ in the same sexist sentence.

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8. The guy who instead of helping old people, points and laughs.

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9. The guy who shoos away beggars like birds.

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10. The guy who coughs in your face instead of coughing into his hanky and laughs like it’s the funniest thing in the world.

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11. The guy who brags about how much money he has

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12. The guy who uses cuss words to even address a plant.

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13. The guy whose favourite singer is Honey Singh

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14. The guy who manages to have a whole conversation with your boobs

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15. The guy who talks about his gym workout and then proceeds to show you his muscles like it’s the 8th wonder of the world.

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Save yourself some precious time and walk away, it’s a lost cause.

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