There’s A 230-ft Organ In Croatia That Produces Beautiful Music From Sea Waves!

Don’t you just sometimes love sitting on the beach, doing nothing, hearing the waves wash themselves ashore?

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It is peaceful and meditative, isn’t it – hearing the slow tide come in, watching the sun go down on the horizon?


And here is a video in which you can listen to the harmonious music played by the sea waves themselves –


Imagine sitting on a beach and listening to music produced by the waves of the same sea you are staring hypnotically at.

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But how can the sea play music?


It can, if you give it an organ to play music on. That’s precisely what architect Nikola Basic gave the beach town of Zadar – an organ that the sea could play.

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He laid a network of pipes under the concrete steps of the sea front. The seawater enters these pipes and pushes the air through harmonic chambers that produce the haunting music.

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And because the seawater never recedes, the music is played all day long. And hence, it became a popular destination for tourists.

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What’s better than admiring beautiful nature around you while it plays music that soothes your soul?

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Who needs an orchestra when mother nature herself plays like a maestro!

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H/T Earthables

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